Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
There are so many things we've been told we can't talk about in polite society. The things your mom told you never to ask about: Sex. Money. Poop. Death. The things that make normal people uncomfortable.
But if you're curious about the truth behind our deepest societal taboos, we're your gals. We dig into the history, science, and straight up weird truths behind these off-limits topics and give you the answers you never knew you needed.
Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
How Much Do You Weigh?
We all live in fear of the dreaded "F" word... Fat. Our weight might be summed up in the number on a scale, but that's far from where its effect ends. If that number falls into the "fat" zone, it can have real-world effects. Not just on our physical health, but our ability to attract a mate, how much other people like us and how the world sees our value as a person.
Yet, not long ago, humans had no idea what they weighed! So how did we so from living in this blissfully ignorant utopia to our weight-ruled world?
In this episode, we cover the history of the bathroom scale, why we became obsessed with our weight and how it can cause very real and very serious social consequences. That's what you're in for today, on Impolite Society.
Email us your impolite questions at and visit our website for info about the show and your hosts Laura and Rachel.
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