Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
There are so many things we've been told we can't talk about in polite society. The things your mom told you never to ask about: Sex. Money. Poop. Death. The things that make normal people uncomfortable.
But if you're curious about the truth behind our deepest societal taboos, we're your gals. We dig into the history, science, and straight up weird truths behind these off-limits topics and give you the answers you never knew you needed.
Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
Cannibalism, the Oldest Taboo... Or Is It?
The average human body contains 126,000 calories, or roughly the same amount as 225 Big Macs. This means that each of us is quite the feast, just waiting to be devoured.
This episode, we dig into cannibalism--fondly known as the oldest taboo. We trace cannibalism's journey from its prehistoric roots to how a sacred funeral rite became a big no-no in the "civilized" world and an excuse for dooming an entire continent. Join us as we dig into the different kinds of cannibalism, including the form we still may be partaking in to this day.
Big thanks to The Reluctant Historian podcast for this question! Check out their podcast here.
Email us your impolite questions at and visit our website for info about the show and your hosts Laura and Rachel.
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Cannibalism: From Calories to Kuru - Gastropod
Eating People Is Wrong—But It's Also Widespread and Sacred - SAPIENS
Early Accounts of Cannibalism (
Conclusive evidence of American Indian cannibalism found | The Seattle Times
The Culture That Still Practices Cannibalism - KnowledgeNuts
Human cannibalism - Wikipedia
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