Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre

What REALLY Happens to Pedophiles in Prison?

Impolite Society Season 2 Episode 19

Get ready for a faster, summer-ready format of Impolite Society!

In this episode of Impolite Society, Laura and Rachel dive deep into the grim reality of what happens to pedophiles in prison. Challenging Hollywood's portrayal and societal assumptions, we explore whether these offenders really get 'what's coming to them.' With a mix of dark humor and in-depth research, we discuss the daily lives, security levels, and eventual fate of these incarcerated individuals. This episode is not for the faint-hearted, but it offers a candid look into prison justice, supported by real-life cases and studies.


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If you've watched any police procedural dramas in the past 20 years, you've heard the rumors. It is not easy to be a child molester in prison. Hollywood gives us the sense that anyone in prison for harming children is definitely going to get what's coming to them. But is that actually true? Today we're getting dark and talking about what really happens to pedophiles in prison. We'll uncover what a day in the life looks like for these horrendous sex offenders, where they can expect to serve their time, and if they really do end up getting what's coming to them. That's what you're in for today on Impolite Society. Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone to our. Prison of lies. I don't know where that came from. I'm Laura


And I'm Rachel. I think if I had a name from the prison, it would come from the showers and it would be the chameleon because they're all pointing different directions.


Love it.


And guys, today we have a fun little spin that we are excited to introduce to you. It's getting warm, the days are getting longer, and we all know the ancient saying, Sun's out, bum's out, because we are putting on our short shorts, our teeny tiny barely there short shorts for the summer.


That's for yourself. My bum is always covered.


No, not right now. We're going to shoot for the short shorts, but I feel like we're probably going to end up wearing Bermuda shorts. But essentially, what that means is we're going to be trying a faster, quicker format for the show. And we're going to try to keep it a little short, less is more for the summer. We're going to give you the same level of research, the same taboo facts, in a faster, I don't know, 30 minute ish episode format. As well as This video, we're going to dabble in that world, so check us out on the YouTubes if that's not where you're watching us. All right, now. So let us know what you think about it. Give it a shot. the end of the summer, we'll be reevaluating if we want to stay fast and loose or if we want to go back to those in depth dives. But, just wanted to give you a, uh, heads up before we head down. Get down. Get down and dirty in prison.


And we've got a doozy.


Yeah, I don't know. We're just like fast, fancy, free, but loose pedophiles. Let's go.


So, like any white, middle aged woman, I like white wine, and I like true crime. I consume a lot of true crime content, and sometimes one of the only things that's sustaining me in my heart of hearts when listening to these cases on podcasts, watching them on Forensic Files, or all these other places, is the idea that at least pedophiles get murdered in prison.


Oh yeah, like of course our above the board justice, it's, it's not quite there. I think anybody who listens to True Crime knows that we don't quite serve justice on the level that some of these fuckers are deserving. So, let's go. Totally natural to take a little bit of glee in the fact that our prison justice systems, they don't hold any punches, man.


Or so we hope. So, if you've ever watched Law Order, you've heard this before. And I think that was my first introduction to that concept. Because I started watching Law Order, like, in high school or something. But it literally could have been any dramatized crime show. Because people say it constantly. It's all like, Oh, you're really gonna get what's coming to you in prison. And you're gonna get passed around like the, you're Neighborhood bicycle in prison or whatever people


The neighborhood bicycle.


don't know.


like, I would love to go to the store, but it's not my turn on the neighborhood bicycle.


But I want to know, is it actually true? Do these worst of the worst criminals really hate pedophiles like everyone else? Is a convicted sex offender really going to live the rest of his life in fear being raped or murdered in the shower room? Or Is this sense of justice that I feel is it unfounded? Is it absolutely not true or somewhere in the middle? Today, we're going to find out.


Oh boy, I am gonna put on my prison pants and let's begin.


So as of June, 2023, there were about 1, 600 federal prisoners incarcerated for sexual offenses.


And Laura, please remind me how many bears are incarcerated for sexual offenses?


Zero on last count.


You know what I'm talking about,


I do. I absolutely do.


Bears vs. Pedos, I'd watch that.


I think everybody would, because we know who's gonna win! It's the fucking bears! So that 1, 600, that's about 12 percent of the prison inmate population federally. Most of these people, people, men are in for child pornography, but there are other crimes I'm not going to mention because that's too high on the bummer index and I don't want to go there.


Yeah, let's play Snow.


Yeah, we all know the gist of what we're talking about here. And on average, those sex offenders will serve about 16 years in prison.


Not long enough.


it is not long enough, but it is a long time to have a target painted on your back and live to tale the tale, right?


And what's the cliche here, That there's guys in there doing life. They have no chance of getting out. No chance of seeing the outside world again. So, why not take out a few diddlers on the way while you're at it, Might be worse ways to spend a lifetime. If you've smashed a few skulls in of people who've hurt children. Some might argue you've done more for society than the average person.


And I would be one of those people that might agree with you in that argument. So, my first question that I wanted to answer is, where do these fuckers go? And to find this out, I turned to an interesting new field I had no idea that existed. I found it in the course of my research. But of course, it fucking exists. Prison consultants. I,


I did search one and they're on LinkedIn!


they are. Okay. I didn't


What a world!


check, but these


Prison consultants are on LinkedIn. Everybody's on LinkedIn!


So, these are people that you or your family can pay to help prepare you for your prison sentence. And of course this exists, right, if you take the time to think about it, because this is pretty much exclusively for rich, white collar criminals and pedos slash child pornography slash whatever. They are not tough. They're not used to a lifetime of violence. They are not ready to enter the prison system. So, yes, of course this fucking exists.


Okay, see, when I first heard of this, I thought these were consultants who help prisons run better. Like, maybe more ethically. Um, but this, what we're talking about, is more like a rush counselor. So they're gonna help these little losers get into the right, top tier gang. Like, hey there, hope you're having a great sentence, not just a good sentence. Thanks. You know who I'm referencing here? That's another Tik Tok lady. She's on there doing rush or whatnot. She's always talks about the outfit. She's wearing like, today I'm wearing the federal issue orange. My bandana is from commissary. And of course I have my St. Mary pendant with a Figaro chain, you know, got to have your prison gear. It's just every day she was out there being like, I'm Russian, Alabama. It's the trardies. So. This reminds me a lot of what people will pay to help them get into the right sorority get into the right prison gang Let's go consultants. You're out there making your way on LinkedIn. Let's go


Everybody wants to be a part of something, right?


When your skin color just isn't enough


Truth. So, these people who hire consultants, they are usually the ones that are used to having the power. And Newsflash in prison, the geeky white dude, he is not running the show. He does not have any kind of power to speak of. Uh, And maybe a lot like the Southern Greek system. I don't know. I was never part of sorority or fraternity. You gon get stomped.


They're stomping for sure stomp the yard




white but


These consultants, they're going to tell you how not to get stomped, how to keep your head down and how to get out fast. And when I was looking at it, my first thought is just like, This is just fuckin privilege. You know, white guys that are like, UGH I DID SOMETHING BAD THAT I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE I'LL PAY SOMEBODY TO GET ME OUT OF THE The


worst of it?




I mean, my takeaway was like, money apparently cannot buy you basic common sense. Like, come on! You don't need to pay someone to tell you how to navigate prison. Just watch Oz. I don't know. I feel like that would very well equip you for prison. You get the gist from it. And that's from somebody who's never even watched Oz, but I've just got the, the general vibe. And I think I can manage.


That's a


cause the ol chameleon over here is always looking every which way. I'm safe. I, my back is covered. Oom pah pah.


the, prison consulting group that I checked out, which is Zookas Consulting they have a really robust website and there's a lot of information on there. So I am going to give them props for putting a lot out there free uh, for people to read, um, people who don't have the


Gotta generate leads.


I know, but it was, it was really robust, like,


That's just a tenth of it.


Yeah. So I will give them a little bit of credit there, but negative props, because the way that they framed sex offenders made my stomach turn. I mean, like some of these lines, I have one quoted here at the Zookas Consulting Group, we believe all people are redeemable. We pride ourselves on being non judgmental. And that quote appeared right alongside a giant word cloud of phrases like sex tourism, exploitation, and trafficking. And I'm just like, I fucking hate you. Fuck off.


So basically they're just like, Babes, you're redeemable as long as your cash is green.




You pay us, we'll believe you, you know?


Just like any good defense attorney. So they break it down that the treatment that you're going to get as a child molester in prison will always be tied to the type of facility that you're in. The higher security level, the worse it is going to get for you. And with that note, I would like to say Supermax for everyone, please.


You mean for all sex offenders, right? Not like general pop folks. Okay. Yeah! Supermax! Send him straight to Supermax! So


you're in what you're in for. So lower security prison means there are less violent offenders inside, which means less violence happens at these facilities. So a prisoner's life may be a little bit more comfortable. And if there are inmates there who do get violent, uh, in the, in the lower security, they're typically transferred out to a higher security prison. And high security, well there's somewhere in between, there's like a medium security, so there's like a stepped escalation.


in the lower security because people still have something to lose.


Precisely. You nailed it. And, but high security, that's where your violent offenders go. And these facilities, generally more brutal for everyone, but especially for child molesters. And what I was wondering as I was looking at this research is how do these prisoners find out about their neighbor's crime? And the obvious solution to that is, well, you fucking lie. I mean, you didn't get into prison by being an honest person. But it turns out most states And all federal prisons, they give prisoners their paperwork and it has their crimes listed, usually just in like code, but people are, are in on it. Right? Like they, They know what the code, yeah, they know exactly what the codes mean. And in prison lingo, this is called a jacket or papers. And apparently it is a huge breach of prison etiquette to refuse to show this when a fellow prisoner asks.


So they have them on them at all times. Or like, they just gave them their paperwork?


I don't think it's like on them at all times, but I, it's there, it's either in their cell or on their body. You know what I mean? Like it's


See, that's news to


them. It was totally new to me as well. And if you refuse to show it, it's going to show that you've got something to hide. And if you've got something to hide. They know what it is. Cause there's generally only one thing that anyone will hide in prison. Because the truth is that hardened criminals and non hardened criminals, they really do fucking hate a child molester and they are looking for them.


And it, I'm sure that the jacket is just the confirmation, right? Cause I'm pretty sure we can spot them.




We can all spot somebody who looks sketchy. We all know someone we're thinking of off the top of our head, or at least a vision of what that person might look like. But I would like to say it is really helpful for the state or the government to mark these folks so that the prisoners can easily identify them. I'd say thanks. Thanks, government. You've got one thing right today.


And if it is a state that doesn't provide prisoners with their jackets, like you said, there are other ways to tell. If a prisoner doesn't seem to match the crimes that they say they're in for, you know, some like fucking nerdy ass guy with big ass glasses who's like, yeah, I've been drug trafficking for years. You know, it's


It's like, really? Hmm.


Mm hmm. And if he tells different stories to different people, that's a red flag.


That's how you know he's not a harmin criminal. Because he can't keep his story straight. Like, real criminals know what's


keep their stories straight either. They're, they're always fuckin lyin and fuckin fuckin it up. Cause that's why they ended up in prison in the first place!


That's true. That's true.


Another thing if they come in from a prison transfer all beat up. That is a red flag because inmates assume they got their ass kicked at their last prison for being dirty hence, they've got moved to another one like getting your ass kicked for like getting in a Skirmish over. I don't know the commissary like you're not probably gonna get moved, but if you're repeatedly Yeah, exactly, but if you're repeatedly getting your ass kicked That's a good sign You Yeah, yeah, exactly or


How'd you end up here?


Mm hmm, or also the guards will just straight out tell prisoners because Again, everyone hates a child molester


They're just stirrin the pot. They're like, let's, let the games begin.


I Don't blame them. I don't blame and and that's what they call them. By the way, they call them dirty for obvious reasons They also call them Chester's as in Chester the molester Chomo, that's short for child molester. Cho, mo, child. Uh, tree jumpers. Uh, and this one I had to look up cause I was like, that does not make any fucking sense. Uh, as


out of trees. Mmmmm.


So jumping out from behind a bunch of trees or bushes, like to get to a child like that, you know, you think of that like, ah,


Like, walkin home along the path, the kid's like, Uh, da da, da da, and then all of a sudden, somebody jumps out and is like, Bla la la. la la la.


yeah, exactly. Or, short eyes. Like, the idea of like, Oh, I only have eyes for you. Like, I have eyes for, as in, I'm romantically interested in short people. I have eyes for short people. Short eyes, aka, kits. And, they get a little creative in prison, right? They got nothing but time. And, uh, chomo and dirty seems to be the most frequent that I've seen in the research that I had done.


Okay, yeah, I like the dirty. The dirty makes sense. But outside of that, my personal favorite is probably the chesters. It's like, come on, it just rolls off the tongue. Chester the molester. Uh, yeah, I love it. The other one's a little bit too abstract. You know, you gotta take a second and go, What? Oh! And you know what? You got a lot of time in prison, but you don't want to look stupid. So the longer you take to figure out what they're saying, the more stupid you're gonna look. And like, who wants to be the laughingstock of all the prisoners? Especially when there's not a Chester around. Should have got a rush counselor.


Hehehehe. And, what do fellow prisoners do to chomos? Chomos. Chomos. percent depends.


I hope.


It 100 percent depends on the security level. At low security facilities, everyone is looking to get out fast. Like you said, they've got something to lose. So, no one is super likely to stab you in the shower. But, They will bully the shit out of them. They take their food, they socially ostracize them, they'll basically, like, shove them around, they get laughed to do everything, people, like, piss and shit in their food and all that kind of stuff. Ha ha ha, yeah.


I was like, don't waste the food. Take it and eat it yourself. Good gracious.


So, No prison buddies for the pedos means there's no one to protect them if things go south. It's an uncomfortable situation, but it's not life threatening, usually. security


can do better than that.


Oh, we can. And so in the medium security prisons, it seems to be kind of luck of the draw where you end up. Some are more, like you said, people have more to lose, and some don't but no matter where you go, you're definitely going to be getting that social ostracization and lowest on the pecking order. Only in medium security add in a, a, sprinkling of more violent offenders who aren't gonna think too hard about getting a group together and stomping your ass. And that's what they do pretty often. The intent of these attacks, interestingly, I think, isn't always to kill. It's mostly to prove a point and to move these people out of general population. Though, calling them people, I feel like, is a, uh, a stretch.


To get these dirties out of Chomos out of gen pop and that's interesting too because right in prison You don't have a lot of control over your life. Your life is pretty much controlled by the system So, in that environment, it's interesting that these people are exercising their one ability they can to control their surroundings, and they're using that to get rid of fucking child molesters. I think that's actually very beautiful.


I completely understand the, need, and we'll, we'll go back to that motivation thing again in a second,




when these CHOMOs are marked for violence by other inmates, the guards have to take them to protective custody. That's why they do this why they beat them up. They might not look, be looking to kill them, but they're looking to have them moved into this custody. And in that protective custody. The molester is going to eat, shower, and uses the yard at off hours, So he will be around other inmates as infrequently as possible. Which means, Genpop doesn't have to be around them, and that's exactly what they want. Like you said, they, they want them fucking gone. They don't want to be around them.


And this reminds me of that age old saying, You can't choose your roomie, but you can stomp the shit out of them, so if you don't want them around, then kick them out of there.


Just like in the Rush system. Is that, does that also track there?


Yeah, I've been stomped in and stomped out of many a sorority in my day.


And there was a quote in one of the studies that I read, and all this is linked in the show notes. Some of them are quite interesting. I would take a look at them. But one of them was from a guy who was doing time for burglary and drugs. And he said, quote, I committed a crime. I got caught. I did my time. But shit, I never hurt anyone. I never even hit anyone before I went to prison. I never hit my girlfriends. I never hurt a kid. I wouldn't want to hurt a kid. I've only had sex with adults that wanted to have sex with me. So I get to hang out in the yard in prison with all the freaks. What is up with that? That is not right.


I mean, hearing this, sounds like this guy is mostly a stand up citizen. Why is he even in prison? Burglary? Guys, that's just stuff. Who gives a shit? Stuff. Pfft. Throw it out the window. You can't take it with you. Drugs? Everybody does drugs this day and age. You can't walk around without seeing drugs. Get this guy out of there. Truth. Gosh. Get this guy out. Less guys like him, more chesters, more rapists, and more girlfriend beaters. And less dudes like him. Who's with me? Do you hear the people sing?


Definitely agree on the drugs, without question. The burglary, eh, you know, you


Can you think of anything you own that you want to send somebody to hang out with a bunch of molesters for?


It's like a gateway drug, right?


But as long as you're not, this guy had no inclination or desire to hurt


I, it's a whole case by case. I can't make a blanket statement other than drugs. Like drugs are just like individuals choosing to do a thing. It's like prostitution. It's like, you know, everyone's kind of like willing in a situation. There's other ways to go about doing it. And so I, but yes, he does. He sounds like a stand up guy. I will definitely agree with you on that. It seems Very unfair to take somebody like that and shove them into this scenario where they have to, fucking




with child molesters


to say we agree with him and we understand where he's coming from.


Yes. Yes. And I think all of this brings up some really interesting points about the prison social hierarchy. Something about moral relativism, right? We're talking about like drugs, burglary, it's just stuff versus physical harm. But, this is supposed to be a fucking short episode. I'm gonna leave it up to the listener to


a lot of philosophizing.


yes, what they think about why these prisoners are doing what they do to child molesters. Is it to maintain a social hierarchy? A moral high ground? Kind of that idea of honor amongst thieves? Is it a vigilantism situation? Or do they feel like they're performing a community service? I think they are. Anyway, you chew on that on your own time because it's a really interesting concept to think about and explore.


It's funny. It aligns with our values as well. So I'll just say convicts, they're just like us. And


Um, So, back to that main question. Mm Do these fuckers really get killed in prison? Let me lay some facts on you. male Male sex offenders. They make up about 12 percent of the prison population. That was what I mentioned at the top of the episode. But, they account for nearly 30 percent of homicide victims inside the prison walls. And in case you aren't good with math, let me break it down for you in a very simple term. They are disproportionately murdered over other convicts. And I would just like to say, yes, thank you. is a god.


Devil's avocado here, Larry. I would say, if there's a God, then why is he letting these children be molested in the first place?


think too hard about it. Listen. It's just something that I fall


think, don't think, too hard. Just read about prison murders.


Hehehehehehe now it's, it's not an absolute sure thing they're going to get murdered in prison. It's not a death


Drats. Noice,


to other criminals, they definitely have that target. At a bare minimum, they are going to get their fucking asses kicked uh, to get them away from everyone else. And more than occasionally, this can escalate to full on mortar.




Murder, not moiter. Are they Jewish? Moina!


I, I don't know, I, I, like some kind of gangster style. Is that


that was.


accent? I'm not


York y. I don't know. I don't


Yeah, it sounded, it felt right in the moment.


long story short, Law and Order did not fucking lie to me, it also turns out that the Federal Bureau of Prisons, they, they know this is an issue, they have created nine Yes nine facilities across the nation that have programs for these vile humans. They are called SOMP facilities, S O M P, Sex Offender Management Programs. And each one of these facilities have about half of their populations that are sex offenders.


Stomp Facilities. I


It should be Stomp!


That's what I was going to say! The general population is like, Oh, we also have a special facility for child abusers. We're going to call it the Stomp Facility and we're going to stomp the shit out of you. But that's their method. I have an idea of how to manage that population on my own and that management system rhymes with schmastration.


Agreed. No, it's not more than snip. Oh, like snip snip, like full on. Yeah.


even saying chemical, I'm just like, you, you, That's for people who are like, I'm struggling with these urges, like, can you help me? But like a physical, like, you




ol paper cutter that you had in elementary school? That's for people who actually offend.


I would, I'd volunteer for that job, wouldn't you? So according to those jackasses over at the Zookas consulting group quote, these SOT facilities tend to be much easier prisons where inmates incarcerated for like offenses can survive and even thrive. Yeah. And That all, that can just fuck right off. I want them wasting away daily, wondering what the fuck's gonna happen to them the next day, every second, every moment of their entire sentence, which of course should be the rest of their lives. I mean, I mean, I don't know.


Yeah, but it's only 16 years, so.


Yeah, but I have some bright news for you Because there are plenty of people that do actually end up living that life of living in fear and even more thankfully some of them have had their lives ended this way. I have a few pretty gruesome tales for you, Rachel, if you're ready to stomach them.


I I don't know if I can, but here we are. This is why they pay me the big bucks. Let's go!


In 2020 at the California State Prison in Cor Corin Korin. David Bob, 48, and Graham DeLuis Conti, 62. They were beaten to death by fellow inmate John Watson. Bob and DeLuis Conti, they were serving life sentences, the two of them, for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14. I don't


Oh. Yeah.


And one of them, The articles did not say which one. Kept watching PBS Kids repeatedly in like the communal TV room. Watson, who was already serving a life sentence for murder that took place during a home invasion, he got pretty fucking tired of this. And one evening, when that Chester PBS Kids, Watson snapped, he picked up a cane, and he beat this fucker's head in. And Watson, after it was done, he turned around, walked his way to the guard station to turn himself in, cause he was like, well, they're gonna fuckin find it. As he was walking down the hallway, he met another sex offender in the hallway. And in his own words, in for a penny, in for a pound. I figured I'd just do everybody a favor. And so he killed the second one and strutted right up to the guard station, told them what he'd done, and the officers did not even believe him until they went and they found those two bodies themselves.


It's just like he really did not want to watch another episode of Arthur.


I, I, well, he didn't, he felt like he was mocking them, like, like everybody around him was like, What the fuck is this shit? This again?


Yeah, he's like putting on kid shows. Like maybe it was shows with kids on it. I don't know. I'm thinking of like PBS kids. I'm thinking of Daniel tiger. And that's true. That's true. Hmm.


Ugh. Anyway


Another one.


Another one! In 2003, at the maximum security, Sousa Ooh.




Correctional Facility in Lancaster, Massachusetts, a former priest,


Uh oh,


John Gheoghan. He was serving a 10 year sentence for indecent assault and battery of a 10 year old boy. He deserved a lot more than that. Um, he had quite the laundry list of accusations and uh, he had been placed in protective custody because he had previous, issues in the prison with other prisoners. Joseph Lee Druce. He was also in protective custody. Druce jammed Gioghen's cell door shut so officers couldn't interrupt while he strangled and stomped Gioghen the priest to death. And he had been molested as a child


I was gonna say,


yeah. Giyogin was a very high profile case. It was all over the fucking news and Drews knew Exactly what he wanted to do to this guy when Giyogin arrived It took the officers quite a while to get into the cell It's actually five of these officers trying to break the door in it was pretty fucking crazy There's video of them


I'm sure they were trying real hard. They're like,


They are, no, like you can see it in the video, they were, they were really fucking trying.


Oh, I was not watching the video of that.


you don't get to see inside, you just see them trying to get in. But, um, deed was done. There was a dead child molesting rapist that was a priest, so


I mean, I have no doubt that there is a fair amount of folks who are in the prison system who were abused as children, right? Because that kind of trauma reciprocates itself. So yeah, I could see where they would especially have some ill will towards folks who are in there for that reason.


Yep. Okay, these next two are UK, actually, in, well, in Britain. So, and from these two, whoo, they're a lot more violent with pedophiles than we are. That's not true on the whole, but just based on these two stories,


these two cases,




and time, maybe? It's just the prison systems in England are maybe a little bit more lax. They're like, Oh, you're a little hobnobber, cheeky bastard, aren't ya? We're just going to put you in a quiet room for a few years. You little cheeky bastard.


So, across the pond at Full Sutton Prison in East Yorkshire, Richard. Huckel was serving life in prison for what he'd done. I can't even talk about what Huckel did. I did listen,


Let's skip




over It Of course


was so bad. I was, I honestly, I was trying to listen to more about his murder. Like, in the end, and then it didn't even, barely even talked about it. Anyway, it's so bad, just know he deserves to be in the absolute deepest pit of hell. But luckily, Huckle got to take the fucking expressway, because in 2019, just a few months into his prison sentence, another inmate named Paul Fitzgerald, who he himself was a pedophile, and completely fucking insane, Fitzgerald raped, tortured, and killed Huckle in a prolonged attack. It lasted 80 minutes. What the fuck are they doing in that prison, first of


Yeah, nobody knew what was happening for an hour and a half.


yeah, but whatever. It's fine. No,


It was tea, it was tea time. What, what do you expect them to be watching prisoners during tea time? Come on.


Uh, so Fitzgerald, he tied him up with an electrical cord. He anally raped him with a kitchen utensil of some kind. The articles didn't say which. I didn't ask. Well, I didn't look. Too hard anyway,


Yeah, I'm sure it's out there somewhere.


shoved a pen knife up his nose into his brain, uh, stabbed him repeatedly and finally strangled him with that electrical cord. And this, I know it sounds maybe a little rough, but this is a hundred percent a win win scenario in my book.


So he was so bad that another pedophile was like, I'm gonna, you need to suffer.


I don't know about that. I think


Or was it just another madman getting his hands on a victim? That, this one's a little bit more lines blurred


it is. It is. This fifth year old is a. Like, 100 percent fucking psycho, because basically the result of all this, Fitzgerald, he will spend his entire life behind bars, there is no possibility of parole, he was not in for murder, he was in for, like, assault or something, so he's never getting out again, and, on the other side, Britain's worst pedophile died in the most horrific way possible, so, again, win


I mean, not possible, but a horrific way, yes.


But really fucking bad. So I'm okay with it. I'm good with it. One, one's gone. Yeah. two for one. One's gone. The other one is never getting out again. Great. And lastly, We have Robert Maudsley. I hope I'm pronouncing that right. His case is also interesting. So, he is known as Hannibal the Cannibal.


Oh! Of Silence of the Lambs?


He's called that because he is considered so dangerous, he is kept in an underground cell that looks, to all accounts, very similar to the one pictured in Silence of the Lambs for Dr. Lecter.


Oh so was he a cannibal though? Or did he just have the


debate that we'll get into it. So Maudsley is considered too dangerous to ever be around other humans in any capacity. That is why he is in this basement cell. And Maudsley had a problem. Pretty fucking rough childhood. So he was sent to an orphanage. He was sent to foster care, eventually went back to his parents, which did not end well. Uh, and when he was older, he, you know, left home, got addicted to drugs, started working as a male prostitute. He landed himself in a mental hospital for the criminally insane in 1974, because he strangled a client of his who had showed him pictures Of the kids that he had abused. He lost it, he strangled him. So, that's his first thing that got him in prison. Or, a mental hospital. So in this criminal mental hospital, 1977, he and another inmate teamed up to torture, uh, and kill a convicted child molester named David Francis for over nine hours in his own room. They tort, it's a mental hospital. So again, like it's a less, uh,


cause then you don't even have guards it's just like staff it's like care people, right? They're not even in the mindset that.


they tortured him. They eventually garrotted him, strangled him and when Francis was found, his skull had been cracked open and part of his brain was missing. Hence, Hannibal the Cannibal. The rumor


Got it.


he had eaten it, but,, he hasn't, he, he's denied it. I don't


I wouldn't fess up to that, personally, but I also wouldn't crack somebody's skull open and do the rest of the procedure, so.


then sent to a real prison in 1978 and after only a few weeks that he was transferred there, he proceeded to kill two other inmates by stabbing them to death in their own cells. So basically he went around the prison and he was looking to just fucking kill a bunch of people. One of them I think was a, a wife. Murderer, and the other one was convicted of raping a seven year old girl.


so he definitely was looking for, like, a specific type, right? He wasn't just like, I don't like to look at you, I'm gonna murder you. And it's just like, he's got so much trauma from his past.






it was all said and done, he took his shiv, went up to the guard station, slapped it down, and said, you're going to be too short in your roll call today.


Ha ha! Okay, but that's kinda cunty right there. Just go up and say it like that, be like, Two are gone! Sorry! Just gonna give you a heads up.


Yeah. So there you have it, folks, pedos, they really do die in prison, or at the very least, they certainly don't live very nice. Nice.


Knife. They


don't live very nice lives in there. And, uh, I don't know about you, but that makes me sleep just a, just a little bit sounder.


If they can get caught.


Don't think about that.


Let's not think too hard. Let's enjoy this righteous indignation of bad people getting their comeuppance. And if you enjoyed participating in that and you want to share it with a friend who think would like it just as much, Please send them this episode. We want you to treat this podcast like a Chester in the prison shower Pass it around But seriously, we're an indie podcast and recommendations is how we survive. Or if you like to hide in the shadows, man, I feel you. That's my favorite place. I'm a lurker. And if you're a lurker like me, leave us a rating anonymously. Or if you really want to expose yourself, you can give us a review. And that will help us connect with other listeners as well.


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And we hope you enjoy our summer short shorts, suns out, bums out!


out, bum's out. I don't




I got a flat little booty. Nobody wants to see it. I don't know what I'm singing. Male male sex offenders sex offenders?


They really offended those saxophones. They really had their way with them. Don't Google it. It's horrible to see.